
Support from CMS to the Kiddy Hearts

Dr. Behçet Uz Çocuk Hastalıkları Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Kardiyovasküler Cerrahi sevisi

Cardiovascular Surgery Service of Dr. Behçet Uz Infantile Diseases Training and Research Hospital of which the renewal procedures have been completed by CMS, was opened to service with a ceremony organized on 7th of October.

The Cardiovascular Surgery Service which is named as Cavidan Ösen, member of the Board of Directors of CMS has been renewed in 2 months.

İzmir Behçet Uz Hospital which still maintains the attribution to be the sole hospital in Turkey specialized in the branch of infant Cardiovascular Surgery, have provided services in every branch related to infant health since 1938.

It is expected for the service opened, to contribute to the treatment of 600 children on average annually.

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